Monday, March 30, 2015

Workshop Additions

Zachary has fully recovered from his surgery and has been busy with projects again around the house, feeling healthy and energized again. 

One of his first priorities was getting his garage workshop in order again. It was cluttered and neglected for a number of months. Tools, totes, and misc everywhere, with no workspace. Inspired by his wood magazines, he built a multi-faceted storage cabinet. With 4 swinging and nesting doors, it took care a lot of the clutter on his small tool bench.

Craving a large work table for projects, he also built a movable tool bench. Using mostly scrap lumber we have, he layered several sheets of old plywood, creating a solid and level work surface. He plans on getting a bench vise for it soon. It is a heavy sucker, but will be a great space for projects for years to come.

He still has some more organization planned for the shop, but it is nice to see the garage floor again.

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