Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cat Grass Update

So I think I am on a 2 container growing cycle in my grass growing experiment. If I soak seeds on Saturday, plant on Sunday, by Thursday/Friday the new grass is ready to be released to the cats. Freyja likes to get on the counter the day before and taste test the new crop of course. While last weeks pot is still green, it is pretty battered and wilted and not appealing anymore to them once the fresh growth is available. It looks like I'll have to replace part of the soil each time, as the wheat puts down a heavy root system.


Amanda said...

We got some cat grass too. :) The first batch is just in the dirt

Zachary and Jennifer said...

Nice! I hope Flurry enjoys. I bet the boys will enjoy it too. :-) I am about to plant my 3rd crop tonight.