Monday, September 3, 2012


 In our pre-move prep, we thought it would be a good idea to get Diogenes, our Maine Coon, a hair cut. A lion cut to be precise. We figured it would be best for him for the move, keep him from overheating and cleaner in case he made a mess in his carrier during the 1200 mile trip. Above a quick before shot a few days before we left. He is a large cat to begin with and with his hair fully grown out, he is quite the beast. Since he has had it done before, before we got him, we figured he would be a pro at the groomers.

A day before we left town, I dropped him off at the groomer and was scheduled to pick him up at noon. About 10 am, I get a phone call. It is the groomer. Diogenes was beginning to be too much of a beast and they were worried he as about to turn violent towards them. They said I could get him tranquilized and bring him back, but with us leaving the next day and still a ton of things to do, I said I would pick him up as is. So he looks like this now. Mr. Ridiculous. Sorta a reverse mullet going on. He is about half shaved for what a typical lion hair cut looks like. Oh D...

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